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Connecting with the DC startup scene

I am asked often about where to find out about DC startup/tech events and groups, so I thought it would be useful to have an online list to point them to, instead of emailing whatever groups are fresh in my mind when they happen to ask me. This list is by no means exhaustive, and I will update the list from time to time, but it’s a good starting point for someone new to the city or the world of startups.

First of all, get used to hashing and following #dctech on Twitter. Its the go to hashtag for sharing #dctsartuplove.

For events, these are good sites to watch/follow. is also very active here in DC. Despite how the name sounds, it isn’t a dating service. It’s also not strictly for tech. There are all kinds of social activities, but you can use group tags to quickly narrow your search to biz/tech meetups (or crocheting clubs – your call :).  These four are a good start. You can also see the ones I am in at I’m in at, and the site does a good job of recommending groups as well.

And there are two main Facebook groups depending which side of your brain you want tickled.

  • DC Tech – The main forum for discussing DC startups (after Twitter of course :).
  • Refresh DC – “web designers, developers, and other new media professionals”
And here are just some great DC organizations/sites that are definitely worth watching to see what coolness they will think up next…
  • Holding startup presentations at happy hour is a stroke of genius, because even if the presentation doesn’t interest you, you will probably still have a good time and meet some interesting people. They do stuff in lots of cities, but DC is one of their main hubs.