Monthly Archives: May 2012

Meteor and Derby Lighting Talk for Node.js DC

I gave a lightning talk last night at the Node DC meetup on Derby.js and Meteor.js, or at least that was the plan. I was given permission to “go over” a little bit, and my five minute talk stretched out to twenty.

A Quick Overview of Derby and Meteor

Full slide deck below…

I got plenty of compliments afterwards, so  hope that means the extra time was worthwhile, but I suspect sharing my Sweet Potato Tater Tots had at least as much to do with people’s good attitudes as anything I said. If you couldn’t make it but you want to get the gist of what I was talking about, the slides are available on slideshare.

I was asked by NoVa Node Meetup to do a more lengthy overview on Derby and Meteor. More info and the updated slide deck at  A More Detailed Overview of Derby.js and Meteor.js.

A new variable for Knockout.js bindings – the DOM element

When writing knockout bindings it can sometimes be handy to reference the DOM element you are writing the element for. As an example, you may want information on a DOM property or for development reasons simply want to show the id.

I tweaked Knockout to support using an $element special variable last year, but hadn’t decided to submit it yet.  Based on the discussion in knockout issue 176 I decided to clean it up and submit it as knockout pull request 474. Mbest also updated it to work with the latest knockout changes.

Usage is simple:

<div data-bind='text: $element.tagName'></div>


As an aside, I’m going to be presenting on Derby and Meteor at the NodeDC Meetup on 5/16. If you are interested in Node or just want to connect with some cool DC coders stop by!